
Supporting Education

The Stop Loan Sharks England Illegal Money Lending Team (IMLT) work with primary and secondary schools to deliver financial education. Understanding where money comes from, budgeting, affordable credit and other aspects of financial education is an initial step in preventing people turning to loan sharks.

Increasing children’s understanding of handling money, avoiding debt, and managing their money will hopefully stop them getting into financial difficulties in the future. This helps to spread the understanding of financial education in the wider community with children taking these messages home to their parents.

The England IMLT worked with teachers to design a series of Young Money quality marked resources to be used in primary and secondary schools as part of a wider financial education programme. We believe that one way to stop loan sharks is by helping people to understand how to manage money from an early age.

Improving financial education and raising awareness of where to find the right information will help give our children the resources to manage their money and keep safe in the future.

Financial Education For Primary Schools

We have developed a series of activities that can be used flexibly for 5-11 year olds. The activities are linked to core learning in the PFEG financial education planning framework. They can be taught in many areas of the curriculum such as mathematics, numeracy, literacy, drama and PSHE.

Our activities for financial education in secondary schools are based on real life money management scenarios. They have been designed to help teachers and students explore a range of topics including safe lending, borrowing money, budgeting, and managing wants and needs. They also focus on the dangers of loan sharks and the potential consequences of borrowing cash from an illegal lender.

Please complete the form to the right to request access to our education resources.

Education Resources

We have recently updated our resources and are trialling them with a limited number of schools. To add yourselves to our trial list please complete the form below and a member of the team will be in contact shortly.